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Get Rid of Acne with the Speed of Light

Have you tried numerous methods to get acne under control? Now, prescription medication and over-the-counter remedies can be a thing of the past. Why deal with the wait and potential side effects of those options when you can have clearer skin in just a few short treatments?

At EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center, we offer Forever Clear BBL™, a cutting-edge acne treatment that uses the power of light to comfortably and effectively clear acne without the need for creams or medicine. BBL is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device, delivering light energy deep into your skin to help treat acne, leaving you with clear, healthy, radiant skin.

We are dedicated to providing our Dallas, TX customers with world-class acne services. By offering unrivaled medical skincare services directed by national and world-renowned local plastic surgeons, we have made patient safety and satisfaction our top priority. Our staff of registered nurses, licensed aestheticians, and Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute Physicians maintain the highest levels of medical skincare qualifications. Our on-site physicians ensure that all treatments and products are carefully screened and tested. They also serve as patient advocates in evaluating new technologies and products and their proposed benefits. With that being said, EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center is excited to welcome the Forever Clear BBL™ to our wide range of medical skincare services!

Treatment can take as little as 15 minutes, depending on the area you are looking to treat. You can expect to see an improvement after just one treatment, but treatment time and the total number of treatments needed vary from patient to patient.

The procedure is non-invasive and typically gentle and safe. Generally, there is no need for a topical anesthetic. However, your clinician may choose to use it depending on your individual needs.

Forever Clear BBL™ is a generally effective, comfortable, fast, and safe treatment. Most areas of your body can be treated. The most common treatment areas where acne is found include the face, neck, and back.

There is typically no downtime. Most patients can wear makeup and resume normal activities immediately. Please follow your clinician’s aftercare plan until your skin is completely healed, which is typically about one week after the treatment.

You may experience some redness that should resolve within a few hours. Consult your clinician if it does not. Your treated skin will look clearer, and pores will be less noticeable. Your clinician will provide you with more information on what to expect as well as an aftercare plan, which will involve avoiding direct sun exposure and using sunscreen.

Three Steps Skincare Routine Product Image Illustrating Daily Regimen for Healthy Skin, Available in Dallas

Forever Clear BBL™ Uses a Unique Three-Step Process Not Available on Other IPLs:

Step 1

Skin is first treated with BLUE BBL light to eliminate acne-causing bacteria at its source, deep down in the pores.

Step 2

Skin is then treated with YELLOW BBL light to reduce inflammation and acne-associated redness, giving you healthy, luminous skin.

Step 3

For added benefit, the skin is then treated with INFRA-RED light in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process.

Our team of aestheticians will develop a personalized plan which may include add-on and follow-up BBL treatments, as well as a skincare regimen for clearer skin that lasts.

Forever Clear BBL™ is great for both teens and adults:

  • Non-invasive
  • Virtually painless
  • Generally no downtime
  • Typically quick and easy

Schedule Your Forever Clear BBL Today!

Achieve clearer, healthier skin faster with Forever Clear BBL™ at EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center in Dallas, Texas. Schedule your consultation today to start your journey to radiant skin. As the premier provider of Forever Clear BBL™ in the Dallas, TX area, we’re proud to offer a solution that can safely and effectively rejuvenate your skin. From the initial free consultation to the follow-up appointments, our compassionate staff is ready to answer any questions you may have and recommend a treatment protocol that best meets your needs.

We invite you to stop by or call 214-887-1577 to schedule an appointment for one of the best acne treatments Dallas has to offer!

Be the Most Beautiful You

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