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Everything You Need to Know About Teen Facials in Dallas, TX

If your teenage child suffers from acne, combination skin, oily skin, or dry and flaky skin, it’s time to change up their skincare routine. A teen facial can restore the natural balance and harmony of young skin and reduce the levels of bacteria and contaminants on the skin. This can improve acne and lower the risk of acne scarring. When you make an appointment for a facial for a teenager, their aesthetician will evaluate their skin, discuss their skincare routine and concerns, and design a treatment plan that revitalizes their skin and addresses problem areas. If you have been debating whether you should make an appointment for your child to get a teen facial in Dallas, TX, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about these skin care treatments.

The lady having Teen Facials in Dallas, TX

What Is a Facial for Teenagers?

A facial for teenagers is a specialized and highly customized skin care treatment. It combines a variety of different treatments, techniques, and products that are specifically chosen to address problem areas or areas of concern in young skin. Each teen facial is carefully designed with the teen in mind and requires an initial skin care consultation so the aesthetician can understand the condition of the skin and ask questions about the teen’s skincare routine. Teen facials can address issues like:

  • Acne and acne scarring
  • Clogged pores
  • Whiteheads and blackheads
  • Cystic acne
  • Rosacea and hyperpigmentation
  • Eczema
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Oily skin
  • Combination skin
  • Sunburns and sun damage

When & Why Would a Young Teen Need a Facial?

Teenagers have fluctuating hormones and don’t always drink enough water or follow a completely healthy diet. They face skin concerns from the age of 12 or 13 onward, and without proper instruction on developing a healthy skincare routine, they risk permanent skin problems like acne, acne scarring, uneven skin tone and texture, sun damage, and more. Even if a teenager has beautiful skin, they are still at risk of future problems. They should still learn how to properly care for their skin and avoid future risks like sun exposure, sunburns, exposure to pollutants and contaminants, and aggravation from makeup. We recommend teaching your child about skincare as young as age 13 and scheduling a young teen facial when they are 13 or 14 to reinforce healthy skincare habits and address any problem areas.

Benefits of Teen Skin Care Facials

A teen facial isn’t just an excuse to get pampered at a spa. It is a chance to teach your teen valuable information about caring for their skin that they will use for life. The biggest benefits of scheduling facials for teenagers are:

  • They help teens develop healthy skin care routines and habits.
  • They give teens information about properly caring for their skin and reducing the risk of future skin issues.
  • They explain the importance and purpose of each skin care product used so your teen doesn’t use unnecessary or redundant products.
  • They can reduce the frequency of acne flare-ups and reduce the appearance of acne scars.
  • They can provide lifelong healthy habits that your teen will use even in adulthood.
  • They improve confidence and self-esteem.

What Is Included In a Teen Facial?

A teen facial is carefully designed with your specific teen in mind. The aesthetician will conduct a thorough skin analysis for your teen, during which they will evaluate your teen’s skin and discuss their skincare routine, lifestyle habits, products they use, and skin care concerns they have. They may also ask about skin issues that may run in families, like acne, rosacea, and eczema. They will then go over all of the skin care treatments they offer and make sure you understand what to expect from each one. Then, they will design a highly personalized skin treatment program for your teen. Most teen facials include one or more of these skin care treatments:

  • Deep Cleansing Treatments – Deep cleansing treatments can remove excess oil, bacteria, and other impurities that contribute to acne and other skin problems. This treatment can unclog pores and prepare the skin for further treatments.
  • Facial Masks—Facial masks can provide deep, targeted treatment for specific areas of concern or problems, such as dryness, oiliness, redness, inflammation, acne, and uneven skin tone or hyperpigmentation.
  • Extraction Treatments – Extraction treatments can remove blackheads and whiteheads and reduce the risk of breakouts.
  • Exfoliating or Microdermabrasion Treatments – Exfoliating and microdermabrasion treatments get rid of old, dry skin and reveal healthier skin beneath. They can also reduce the appearance of acne scars and improve the texture and tone of skin.
  • BBL Photofacial Treatments – BBL photofacial treatments can address uneven skin tone, discoloration, red skin, blotchy skin, inflammation, large pores, freckles and birthmarks, rosacea, and uneven skin texture. This treatment uses low levels of laser light to break up dark spots and pigmentation.
  • Hydrafacial Treatments – Hydrafacial treatments offer a deep cleanse that can extract dirt, bacteria, dead skin, and other contaminants that clog pores and contribute to acne. Hydrafacials can also improve skin tone and texture.
  • Chemical Peels – Some chemical peels are gentle enough to be used on teen skin. We recommend a micro, mini, or superficial peel for most teenage patients. Chemical peels can reduce the appearance of acne scars, reduce hyperpigmentation and sun damage, and rejuvenate their complexion.
beautiful woman touching her face

How to Find a Reputable Dallas Aesthetician for a Teen Facial

It’s very important to visit a reputable Dallas aesthetician for any skin care treatment, but especially when you are booking a facial for a teenager. The aesthetician will give your teen valuable advice and guidance in caring for their skin and addressing and/or preventing specific skin concerns. They should have extensive knowledge and experience in teen skin and teen skin issues like acne, inflammation, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and sun protection. When looking for an expert for your teen’s first facial, follow these tips:

  • Ask friends and family for recommendations.
  • Ask your dermatologist or aesthetician for recommendations.
  • Look at each provider’s website to assess their skill level, expertise, and the services they offer.
  • Read customer reviews.
  • Schedule a phone call with the aestheticians to make sure they have good communication skills and experience working with teens.
  • Make sure the aesthetician is patient, compassionate, and understanding so they won’t make your teen feel self-conscious or bad about their skin.
  • Ask about their skin care products and make sure they are safe for use on teen skin.
  • Ask about their hygiene and sanitation practices.
  • Don’t be afraid to decide that an aesthetician isn’t the right fit for your teen.

Preparing for a Teen Facial

Before scheduling a facial for a teenager, talk to them about what they need and want and how they would like to improve the appearance of their skin. If you make an appointment without talking to your teen, they might feel blindsided and uncomfortable and think that you are telling them that they aren’t attractive. Make sure your teen understands that skin issues are normal and that properly caring for your skin can help you address current skin issues and prevent future skin problems.

What to Expect During a Teen Facial

After your teen’s initial skin analysis, your aesthetician will make an appointment for a teen facial. Before the facial, they will go over each skin treatment, all products that will be used, and the purpose of each treatment and product. They will explain how each treatment and product will address specific skin concerns or prevent future skin issues. They will then cleanse your teen’s skin to remove bacteria, oil, dirt, and impurities. They will apply masks or facial treatments that target specific concerns, like acne, redness, inflammation, rosacea, dry skin, or oily skin. They may also use an exfoliating treatment to remove dead skin and reveal healthier skin beneath it. They will then apply products that are safe for use on teen skin and address areas of concern. They may finish with a serum or product that soothes the skin and addresses redness or dryness. They should then apply sunscreen or sun protection. Finally, they will give your teen advice on properly caring for their skin, dealing with skin problems and concerns, and reducing the risk of future skin problems.

Learn More About Teen Facials in Dallas, TX

At EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center, we offer teen facials that are not only relaxing and enjoyable but also teach teenagers how to properly care for their skin. Our team of skincare experts will evaluate each teenager’s unique skin type and create a personalized facial treatment plan that addresses their specific concerns. During the facial, our aestheticians will explain each step and answer any questions your teenager may have to ensure they feel comfortable and at ease. We believe that good skincare habits should be stress-free and enjoyable, which is why we strive to create a welcoming environment for all of our patients. If you want to help your teenager achieve clear, healthy, and radiant skin, call us today or contact us online to schedule an initial consultation. Our experienced aestheticians are dedicated to helping your teenager reach their skincare goals.

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