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The Future of Skin Hydration and Rejuvenation

At EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center in Dallas, Texas, we’re excited to introduce SKINVIVE by JUVÉDERM, the latest innovation in achieving “glass skin” perfection. This treatment is the first and only FDA-approved hyaluronic acid intradermal microdroplet injection for skin smoothness, with results that can last up to six months with optimal treatment. SKINVIVE will give your skin a long-lasting, overall hydrated and healthy appearance—unlike any treatment you’ve ever experienced!

How does SKINVIVE work?

Patients who are dissatisfied with their skin’s quality may not be aware that achieving healthy, glowing, and vibrantly smooth skin requires thorough hydration. SKINVIVE is formulated with hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that has the ability to bind water molecules, keeping the skin plump and well-hydrated. Through the injection of this hyaluronic acid-based gel, the SKINVIVE treatment deeply hydrates the skin, resulting in increased skin smoothness. When injected hyaluronic acid into the treatment area, it also increases collagen production, which improves skin elasticity and can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines.

What is the difference between SKINVIVE and Dermal Filler?

SKINVIVE is different from dermal filler because instead of adding volume to a specific area, it adds hydration to a broader area, such as the entire face. This product belongs to a new category of injectables called “bio-remodeling.” SKINVIVE is an injectable that is designed to enhance the quality of the skin itself. It works with your collagen, which makes it long-lasting. Following this skin booster treatment, you will feel like you’ve had an incredible facial lasting six months or even longer!

SKINVIVE may last up to 6 months post-treatment, giving you long-lasting skin smoothness and hydration.

We recommend two treatments spaced four weeks apart for optimal and lasting results.

No, you should continue receiving filler maintenance treatments along with SKINVIVE to maintain an optimal appearance. Filler restores volume lost from aging, while skin boosters like SKINVIVE tackle skin texture and quality.

SKINVIVE effectively addresses dry skin, texture/crepey skin, filling in indentations/scarring, stimulates collagen production, and diminishes fine lines and wrinkles.

You can expect to see lasting results after about four weeks following your second SKINVIVE treatment. We recommend you undergo both sessions for optimal, lasting results.

Contact Us Today About SKINVIVE

At EpiCentre Skin Care & Laser Center, we are proud to offer an impressive range of injectables and fillers – and now we even offer SKINVIVE injectables! We’d love you to be among the first to experience the benefits of this revolutionary treatment. Our team has advanced training and experience in all the injectables and fillers we offer at EpiCentre. Let our professional team help correct your facial signs of aging with safe and highly effective treatments like SKINVIVE. To learn more about how to achieve lasting skin care results, contact us today. We look forward to working with you and providing you with exceptional care.

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